| MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONY AT JCC: A TRIBUTE TO JEWISH VETERANS THURSDAY, MAY 25, 8:30 - 9:15 AM • JEWISH WAR VETERANS FLAGPOLE on the REBA AND SAM SANDLER FAMILY CAMPUS Before the summer beach weekends, BBQs, and Shavuot, we'll gather in front of Lake Sandler to memorialize the Jewish heroes who sacrificed in the name of freedom. Sponsored by Norfolk Military Jewish Community, Jewish Community Relations Council, Board of Rabbis and Cantors of Hampton Roads. All are invited to participate in this short but moving ceremony next Thursday morning. For more information, contact Rabbi Yoni Warren (LCDR, CHC, USN): 757-953-1952. |
| | KIDS NIGHT OUT & TEEN SPRING LOCK IN SATURDAY, MAY 20, 6:00 PM Need a date night? Kids Night Out is the answer! Drop your children off at the Simon Family JCC from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM to enjoy a night filled with games, crafts, snacks, and swimming*! Children four years to 12 years may attend. $25, $20 for each additional child (Max of $65 per household). Simon Family JCC patrons with a family membership pay a discounted rate. Register by 4:00 PM, Friday, May 19 by visiting JewishVA.org/KNO. Space is limited. MIDDLE SCHOOLERS will also enjoy a night out! We’re calling all 6-8th graders to spend Saturday evening with friends, fun, pizza, swimming and a movie. PJ Library in Tidewater will provide pizza and popcorn for the movie. You bring bathing suit, towel, dry clothes and a smile! Registration is FREE but limited; contact Dave Flagler for more DFlagler@ujft.org or sign up at JewishVA.org/LockIn. *For those that can swim without a floatation device. Lifeguard supervised. |
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| SUNDAY FUN DAY HEADS TO THE FARM! SUNDAY, MAY 21, 3-5 PM • HUNT CLUB FARM, VIRGINIA BEACH Join PJ Library in Tidewater as we take Sunday Fun Day on location to Hunt Club Farm in Virginia Beach! We will enjoy an afternoon with friends and animals. Spots are limited and will go on a first-come, first-serve basis. Register today to make sure you get a spot for your family: JewishVA.org/SundayFunDay to join in on all of the barnyard fun! For questions contact Nofar Trem, 757-964-2334. |
| | SHAVUOT GATHERINGS GET A BOOST FROM PJ LIBRARY THURSDAY, MAY 25 - MAY 31 Shavuot is a Jewish holiday that encourages us to gather with friends and enjoy one another's company. In short: It's a great time to party. Traditional observances for Shavuot include ice cream socials, storytelling around a campfire, craft-making and even camping. But sometimes we just need a little push to get the wheels turning... PJ Library is offering to help families get things started with a reimbursement (up to $100) to help you host a Shavuot gathering, which can include ice cream, marshmallows, crafting supplies, campsite reservations or other hosting expenses. All you need to do is click over to THIS website and apply with the code provided on the site (it's MX29EA) and start planning your gathering with friends and family! For more information or ideas on how you can celebrate here in Tidewater, contact Youth & Family Program Coordinator, Nofar Trem (757) 965-2334. |
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| CELEBRATE COMMUNITY AT 2023 UJFT BIENNIAL MEETING! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 6:30 - 8:00 PM • MARTY EINHORN PAVILION ON THE SANDLER FAMILY CAMPUS (Rain location: Inside JCC) The community is invited to the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community for the 2023 Biennial Meeting & Installation of Officers. The evening begins with a brief reception (6:30 - 7 PM) followed by the program (7 - 8 PM). Please join us as we install our new UJFT President, David Leon, recognize and thank our outgoing President, Laura Geringer Gross, and acknowledge outgoing and past committee chairs. There will also be a special presentation for the Joseph H. Strelitz Community Service Award, as we recognize volunteers from constituent agencies, schools and synagogues who have gone above and beyond the last year for our community. Open to all with RSVP required; email or call Bobbie Wilcox, (759) 965-6124. |
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| | UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION OF TIDEWATER 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200, Virginia Beach VA 23462 Reba & Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 757.965.6100 | info@UJFT.org Got 4 (or less) Questions? Contact our Director of Marketing at BBerusch@UJFT.org |
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