This program is FREE and open to the community.
Rising Tides, Rising Tensions
By Renée Calway
with dedicated contributions from the community, especially
Kelly Jackson, Michael Corcoran and Destini Harrell
The sea level continues to rise. The tensions have always existed. Both are becoming more apparent. Tensions are rising to the surface now so quickly that people can not so easily deny or ignore it anymore. As the tides rise, our community is seeing through a scope of truth which reveals socio-economic inequalities that lead to disparity in the neighborhoods most affected by flooding.
Inspired by the In[HEIR]itance Project, we are calling to the community to examine our past, present, and future, posing the questions:
What have we inherited?
What are we going to do with it?
What exactly are we passing down to our future generations?
This exhibit represents the revelation of tensions and the firm pledge to be the change that we all want to see in our world.
Rising Tides/Rising Tensions is a traveling educational exhibit meant to spark conversation in the community. Renée is able to facilitate workshops surrounding the exhibit. If you are interested in participating in a workshop here, or in bringing the exhibit to your school, business, or house of worship, please contact Renée at reneecalway@gmail.com.
Renée Calway
Raised in Norfolk, local artist Renée Calway works within the community to facilitate dynamic, interactive healing arts experiences. Utilizing unconventional materials, she promotes ecological awareness with a special interest in intersectional studies of socio-politics and statistics. As an educator, Renée teaches studio art classes to all ages at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art (VA MOCA) and engages with the community through The ViBe Arts District at the oceanfront. She currently has a mural in progress at the Oceanfront Area Virginia Beach Public Library.
In addition to teaching at VA MOCA, Renée has worked on projects with various other local organizations since her move back home to the Hampton Roads area. Some of those projects include The Origami Crane Project & Petals for Peace (Zeiders American Dream Theater) , The Birdhouse Project (VA MOCA), From One Hand to Another (The ViBe District) , and ViBe-rary, which seeks to unite the arts of The ViBe with the Oceanfront Area Public Library through creative mindfulness and healing.
Renée currently has artwork on display at multiple locations in Virginia Beach, including Studio Evolve, the Oceanfront Area Public Library, Sentara Leigh Hospital, and the Simon Family JCC.
Find more from Renée Calway on Instagram @indigoskywarrior or on her website, ReneeCalway.com