Presented by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s
Jewish Community Relations Council
In partnership with Temple Israel's First Thursday program
Black-Jewish Relations - The Past, Present, and Future
Joel Rubin will be speaking with the author of Troubling the Waters, Cheryl Greenberg, community leaders
Lois and Barry Einhorn, W.L.Thomas, Associate President for Government Relations of Hampton University,
and Rabbi Batya Glazer, Director of the JCRC
A third of the first Jews who came to the North American colonies would own slaves. It’s true. Indeed the highest political position yet held by a Jew in America was as vice president of the Confederacy. That all began to change as Eastern European Jewish immigrants and southern black migrants encountered one another in rapidly growing northern cities. So writes Professor Cheryl Greenberg of Trinity College in a recent column in My Jewish Learning. Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement is well chronicled and in our area, we have had programs linking the two communities. But should we be doing more, particularly today?
The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is pleased to partner with Temple Israel’s First Thursday program on July 1 at 7:30 p.m. The article Black-Jewish Relations in America will offer a more challenging perspective as we engage the issues of the relationships between communities.
If you have any questions please contact me, Batya Glazer, Director, JCRC of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater at bglazer@ujft.org.
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