Join us for an author talk with Brianna Sayres as she discusses her book
Asteroid Goldberg: Passover in Outer Space
An out-of-this-world Passover fantasy! When Asteroid and her parents get stuck for Passover, Asteroid plans a Passover seder for herself and her family that is truly out-of-this-world. With Jupiter's moons for matzoh balls, the Big Dipper for a ladle and horseradish from Jupiter's red spot, you've never seen a Passover seder like this one!
Brianna Caplan Sayres is thrilled to be living her childhood dream of being a children's book author. Brianna is proud to be the author of many picture books including the bestselling Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? series published by Random House. Brianna is also proud to be the founder of Intergalactic Afikoman, a new publisher of Jewish children's books whose goal is to publish "out-of-this-world Jewish books for today's Jewish kids". Brianna lives with her husband and her two future astronauts in her hometown, Seattle, Washington.
As a part of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival, in coordination with the Jewish Book Council, the only organization in the organized American Jewish community whose sole purpose is the promotion of Jewish books. In partnership with the Konikoff Center for Learning at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.
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